Monday, February 3, 2020

First Amendment Violated While Demonstrating for the Second

A peaceful demonstration for Second Amendment gun rights was quickly shut down at Montclair State University in New Jersey by officials at the school. An organization on campus, The Young Americans for Liberty, were demonstrating their opinions on gun rights peacefully on campus when university police told them to shut it down.
According to university policy, anyone who wishes to speak on campus must request permission from the Dean two weeks in advance and they will be given a specific time and place to do so. According to the lawsuit filed against the school, this was a violation of the students' First Amendment right to the Freedom of Speech, as there are no guidelines to the two-week policy to speak on campus. The Alliance Defending Freedom is representing the students in the lawsuit.
College is when you start to branch out as an individual. You start to form your own opinions based on your own experiences instead of just what your parents have told you growing up. Shutting down a peaceful demonstration on a college campus is in violation of two rights of the First Amendment. Not only freedom of speech but also freedom to assemble. They did so peacefully and I could see where this lawsuit could be successful in favor of the students trying to voice their opinions on a very controversial and currently hot topic in our country.

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