Sunday, March 8, 2020

Facebook (Privacy) Settings

Most everyone we know has a Facebook page. We use Facebook to connect with old friends, family, the latest cat videos, the list goes on. When you create an account, Facebook asks for information like your name, date of birth, phone number, etc. When we create these accounts, we are entrusting the company with this private information. But what if this information were to become not so private?
In September of 2019, Elliott Murray, the CEO of a cybersecurity company found a public online database containing phone numbers of Facebook users, that could be traced back to the person using their known phone number. It has since been fixed, but this is a large issue when it comes to. online privacy and security. It is not safe to have your personal information on a database online that is accessible by the public.
My friends, family, and I all have accounts with Facebook. It frightens me to think that someone had the capability of going online and finding their personal information. The article did not update that the database was no longer available online until five days after it was found. In the Facebook Data Use policy, it explains how your data that you enter is used. In this instance, your phone number and email can be used by others who have that information, to search for your account. As a Facebook user, you have the ability to turn this setting off on your account, where people cannot search your phone number or email and find your account. When the database was discovered, that took the discretion away from the Facebook user, whether that feature was enabled on your account or not, people could find you if they knew little bit of your information. This could have lead to the breaching or hacking of accounts, which could have lead to even worse issues. It's a good thing Facebook took care of this issue, but is that the only database out there? Is our information we share online to these social media providers really safe?

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