Thursday, April 30, 2020

Net Neutrality

Network Neutrality is a principle that must be followed by and and all internet service providers. The idea is that all communications on the internet must be treated equally, free from discrimination based on the user(s), content, platform, etc.. Providers are prohibited from slowing down, blocking, or charging for specific content. Net Neutrality is important because it prevents favoritism of certain content over others and preventing prioritization. Net Neutrality gives the power of prioritization to the consumer, not the Internet Providers.
Net Neutrality seems like a no-brainer. But like everything else, there are pros and there are cons. The pros seem rather obvious. Net neutrality provides us with freedom of expression, internet service providers cannot limit what content is available, everyone gets to put their content on the internet and promotes diversity in that way. Not only does it promote diversity, it promotes innovation and competition. Ideas and content are driving consumers, not who paid the most for their content to be shown above the competition. With net neutrality, we get access to everything, not just what providers want us to see, and there is equal opportunity for different websites, applications, businesses, etc.. Cons require a deeper thinking. On the surface, net neutrality seems like a fair way to police the internet. Net neutrality allows for abuse of many things, such as free speech. With freedom of speech, nothing can really be done about cyberbullying that occurs over the internet, which is an increasing problem. Net neutrality also limits innovation. Without charging for certain access, companies cannot use money that could have come from paid access to greater innovate their products and or services.
Like many other things, I don't think there is one simple and easy solution to the net neutrality debate. There are good things to it, and bad, but the good far outweighs the bad. Net neutrality allows for free speech, no discrimination when it comes to web access, and the promotion of diversity and innovation, to name a few. I think there is always room for improvement, but net neutrality should definitely have a place on the internet.

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